Sunday, December 25, 2005

etc.... etc.....etc.....

Etc.: A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.

I have alway wondered if people knew exactly what they were trying to say when they say et cetra... Most of the time no. It is a very cleverly coined word to give an impression to the listener that the speaker knows what he is talking about but is just too busy too explain them..But in reality it is a word used to cover up his/her ignorance.. okay not always but most of the time..

So the next time you use the word et cetra be sure you know what the et cetra is about coz you may have a listener like me who will prod you on what the etc is about :D


Jagan said...

oh ho .. i use etc...many a times ..i guess i sud b careful from now on :)

Penti said...

I usually use etc when I list out things. More often that not it is because the list is long. Like for example I give examples of Indian states :-). but there are times when my etc. is because my knowledge of the list is limited. That was a nice writeup on the usage. I used to wonder how many people really would know what lies beneath it. You seem to know the secret. :-P

Vidya said...

I navigated to your web blog because of the similarity in the name. After reading your blog, I am equally impressed. Good job !!

Can I blog roll you ?


Vidya said...

@ Jagan - he he u better be careful

@ Penti - the secret's out :)

@mori - will drop by your blog

@ Vidya - u r welcome to blogroll me..(feels funny to be refering to myself ..giggle)

Balaji said...

LOL. interesting take on something common but not discussed much. i will be careful in the future :)

Anonymous said...

Infact My 10th class English teacher used to cut marks for every 'etc' written on the paper...I gotta bonus mark of -1 for an essay question in which i had used 5 etcs in a span of 20 lines... :)(class record ;))... One of the words which can be conveniently substitued anywhere when u donno for what the exact answer is ;)

gils said...

wow..tht makes it three vidya's in this post..hehehe...still feel kartik is the most common name u heard ;)

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