Until now, I have never felt happy about giving anything coz when I give, it will ususally be something I cherish and I part with it... My dad always says, "Giving brings more happiness" but I always refuse to even give it a thought. Does it even make sense.. giving.. and bring happiness? definitely not. How can you be happy if u part with something that u cherish or buy something that u think.. I repeat think will make another person happy.Even if it is not something that is mine, nothing really gave me pleasure coz when I bought a gift, I'd buy something that none of us had and that would make me more unhappy..
But, recently, I gave a gift to a very close friend of mine. The happiness on his face when he got it, well .. I have no words to explain that. I felt happy too.. I felt like I had touched somebody's heart for the first time. Then i understood what Appa meant by, "Giving brings more happiness"
But there is just one thing I noted. It is not what you give that matters, it is the feeling with which you give it that matters. This time I wanted to give this present to him and boy, I have never been happier in my life about giving gifts to people. I guess I have grown up..... ;)